One of the spirtual preacher deciphered the abbreviated form of God. G...O....D god. G one who generates, O one who operates and D one who destroys. The fundamentals of these three devine powers lies in the bedrocks of Hindu culture. Brahma is the name of power that generates life, Vishnu is another name of power who operates or maintains the life and third name is Shiv who destroys the life. The philosophy is laid on the three primary phases of life. As humans gained knowledge and so power the philosophy of God transcandented into different paths, shapes and forms. Man with his superlative, genius power created God who slowly turned on a curve only to replace his creator. God defied Man and thus man lost the battle until today. Even though man has shown intellitect and composure has never been successful to unsettle the seat of God. Its not the man who defied God, its God who defied man, his father.
Dan Brown quotes "The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten you are divine". Slowly man started loosing trust in himself knowing very little about his powers, his brain and his achievements. Even though man went ahead in making progress, inventions, discoveriess. The concept of God saw this as threat and thus started mingling into the walk of mankind. Man made many things automated , machanized and programmed. But alas, he couldnt replace the God who just sits in our mind without proving his existence, without doing anything. God is just playing by our minds and in hopelessness the human brain watches his defeat day after every day.
Those who failed, those who lost faith in themselves started using bedtime stories, books, epics and poems written by intellectuals. They started worshipping the feet of God, making him stronger and stronger and thus God created a company of all no-doers and failures. On the contrary few offshoots of MAN battled in open, creating kingdoms, wealth and prosperity. Even these great men couldn't succeed in dethrowning the GOD. Atlast man gave up and thus started the legacy of the GOD, making him supremo of us all, the remote controller, few called. The intellectuals will never buy this theory because the divine power that sits utop within our skull is the brain, the actual God. It is no irony that "tilak" or "bindi" is marked on the forehead of Hindu as true symbolism of acknowledging the divinity of human brain. It is sad to see the masses buried under the pile of holy scriptures, epics and poems spending time and resource in chanting the texts. In the modern time, its shameful to see man started looking for peace, happiness in hollow temples, churches and madrasas. Masses felt in love with prayers and bringing feel-good peace to their modernized lifestyles. Man lost the memory and appetite for his divine powers, his supreme legacy of creating God.
It is sad to see human masses galvanized by some miracles and some sensational event. We look for God in the midst of miracles at the same time we forget the miraculous activities performed by a living machine called brain. Time and again MAN proved his superiority over the philosophy of God. Science is the evolution of our creativity and divinity. The society of science made a big sprint creating multi-million miracles and sensational event. In the modern digital era, man creates miracle almost every one and other day. Men of science who scripted religious books within scientific model were ambushed by those who had nothing to do or nothing to contribute. The text books became chanting material instead of study material. Thus formed the legeacy of lazyboys who wanted fame and name by telling stories of miracles and fictions. They amassed wealth and fortune in the name of philosphy of God giving it shape, color and form. The seeds of running away from active life were bowed deep into the heartlands of masses. Poeple find harmony in not doing peaceful life than doing violent life. Hundreds and hundreds of years passed and this legacy of God was taught from one generation to another slowling shifting the tide from science to story-telling scriptures. Thus the land of fortune lost its appetite for knowledge and created society of preachers, followers, and pessimists. No new invention came in, no new science was developed all in the name of bed time stories of God and his kindness. We celebrate festivals on these epics and its characters but not our intellectuals. We create feast and dance around in the name of fiction same time forgetting our true achievements.
We forgot the power of our brain, using to our advantage by forcing our hearts being faithful to the philosophy of God that we ourselves created. This single philosophy has now turned itself into a gigantic tree of multiple branches. Each branch has its own followers cursing and fighting those siting on other branch. We created Ganesh, Hanuman, Ram, Krishn, Shiva, etc forgetting the true essese of living life, learning in life and findings in life. Its like who remembers writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Dikto for creating "Spiderman". On the similar lines, we forgot the powerful narration of Ved Vyas and Valmiki but celebrated the characters of Ram and Krishna. How many of us treat Mr. Vyas and Valmiki above Ram or Krishna? Let me appeal to your curious minds and reminds you few Indian names that you will sound it for first time.
Past five hundred year, we have been fighting on the name of this concept that very much we created. The wars and violence has the deep rooted cause in the name of stupidity named God and still in the churches and temples we pray for bringing peace giving single shot of one of the funniest videos of mankind.
Then, why did Man created God. When man finds hopeless, he created a medicine of thoughts to stay composed and calm so that his next decisions are made in wise manner. This is like when you hurt your leg, use the stick. The sad thing is that this same "stick" became regular tool of daily lives. This stick which helps great when man is handicapped made him handicap all through his life. He lost his rythem of walking alone, his courage and fortitude of believing in his decisions. Man became crippled by his own invention, by bringing God as regular tool instead of significant event based tool. I dont believe its wrong idea to believe is some supernatural power but alas it should not have got name, fame, shape and sound. We all should have believed it in one-ness under one umbrella under one spiritual class. We wouldnt have lost many live on the name of God, we wouldnt have died on the name of God. We would have lived more peaceful and meaning without having God in our lives.
Life could have been simple, sound and straight without the concept of God. Probably, every pocket of human species would have invented electricity, phones, aircrafts, medicines, computers, new languages, literature, cultures and much more to our progress, for our betterment. We would have spent resources at our developments than guttering them into the no-doers forums. We would have felt peace and happiness by working and acknowleding our achievements. Our happiness and sadness would have been revolved around our success and achievements. Probably we must have already been talking with our neighbors in our galaxy. We would been far ahead in our race. We made a big mistake by bringing this concept of God to facilitate our race but alas it boomranged on us. Its too late now to remove God from our lives. Each one of us will die chanting his name and praying his fame in the sad defeat of MAN and his kind.
Dan Brown quotes "The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten you are divine". Slowly man started loosing trust in himself knowing very little about his powers, his brain and his achievements. Even though man went ahead in making progress, inventions, discoveriess. The concept of God saw this as threat and thus started mingling into the walk of mankind. Man made many things automated , machanized and programmed. But alas, he couldnt replace the God who just sits in our mind without proving his existence, without doing anything. God is just playing by our minds and in hopelessness the human brain watches his defeat day after every day.
Those who failed, those who lost faith in themselves started using bedtime stories, books, epics and poems written by intellectuals. They started worshipping the feet of God, making him stronger and stronger and thus God created a company of all no-doers and failures. On the contrary few offshoots of MAN battled in open, creating kingdoms, wealth and prosperity. Even these great men couldn't succeed in dethrowning the GOD. Atlast man gave up and thus started the legacy of the GOD, making him supremo of us all, the remote controller, few called. The intellectuals will never buy this theory because the divine power that sits utop within our skull is the brain, the actual God. It is no irony that "tilak" or "bindi" is marked on the forehead of Hindu as true symbolism of acknowledging the divinity of human brain. It is sad to see the masses buried under the pile of holy scriptures, epics and poems spending time and resource in chanting the texts. In the modern time, its shameful to see man started looking for peace, happiness in hollow temples, churches and madrasas. Masses felt in love with prayers and bringing feel-good peace to their modernized lifestyles. Man lost the memory and appetite for his divine powers, his supreme legacy of creating God.
It is sad to see human masses galvanized by some miracles and some sensational event. We look for God in the midst of miracles at the same time we forget the miraculous activities performed by a living machine called brain. Time and again MAN proved his superiority over the philosophy of God. Science is the evolution of our creativity and divinity. The society of science made a big sprint creating multi-million miracles and sensational event. In the modern digital era, man creates miracle almost every one and other day. Men of science who scripted religious books within scientific model were ambushed by those who had nothing to do or nothing to contribute. The text books became chanting material instead of study material. Thus formed the legeacy of lazyboys who wanted fame and name by telling stories of miracles and fictions. They amassed wealth and fortune in the name of philosphy of God giving it shape, color and form. The seeds of running away from active life were bowed deep into the heartlands of masses. Poeple find harmony in not doing peaceful life than doing violent life. Hundreds and hundreds of years passed and this legacy of God was taught from one generation to another slowling shifting the tide from science to story-telling scriptures. Thus the land of fortune lost its appetite for knowledge and created society of preachers, followers, and pessimists. No new invention came in, no new science was developed all in the name of bed time stories of God and his kindness. We celebrate festivals on these epics and its characters but not our intellectuals. We create feast and dance around in the name of fiction same time forgetting our true achievements.
We forgot the power of our brain, using to our advantage by forcing our hearts being faithful to the philosophy of God that we ourselves created. This single philosophy has now turned itself into a gigantic tree of multiple branches. Each branch has its own followers cursing and fighting those siting on other branch. We created Ganesh, Hanuman, Ram, Krishn, Shiva, etc forgetting the true essese of living life, learning in life and findings in life. Its like who remembers writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Dikto for creating "Spiderman". On the similar lines, we forgot the powerful narration of Ved Vyas and Valmiki but celebrated the characters of Ram and Krishna. How many of us treat Mr. Vyas and Valmiki above Ram or Krishna? Let me appeal to your curious minds and reminds you few Indian names that you will sound it for first time.
- A Mathematician named Pingala (c. 100BC) developed a system of binary enumeration convertible to decimal numerals [See 3]. He described the system in his book called Chandahshaastra.
- Panini (c 400BC), in his Astadhyayi, gave formal production rules and definitions to describe Sanskrit grammar. Starting with about 1700 fundamental elements, like nouns, verbs, vowels and consonents, he put them into classes
- The development of the notion of zero began when three mathematicians Brahmagupta, Mahavira and Bhaskara tried to answer these in their treatise. In the 7th century Brahmagupta attempted to provide rules for addition and subtraction involving zero.
Past five hundred year, we have been fighting on the name of this concept that very much we created. The wars and violence has the deep rooted cause in the name of stupidity named God and still in the churches and temples we pray for bringing peace giving single shot of one of the funniest videos of mankind.
Then, why did Man created God. When man finds hopeless, he created a medicine of thoughts to stay composed and calm so that his next decisions are made in wise manner. This is like when you hurt your leg, use the stick. The sad thing is that this same "stick" became regular tool of daily lives. This stick which helps great when man is handicapped made him handicap all through his life. He lost his rythem of walking alone, his courage and fortitude of believing in his decisions. Man became crippled by his own invention, by bringing God as regular tool instead of significant event based tool. I dont believe its wrong idea to believe is some supernatural power but alas it should not have got name, fame, shape and sound. We all should have believed it in one-ness under one umbrella under one spiritual class. We wouldnt have lost many live on the name of God, we wouldnt have died on the name of God. We would have lived more peaceful and meaning without having God in our lives.
Life could have been simple, sound and straight without the concept of God. Probably, every pocket of human species would have invented electricity, phones, aircrafts, medicines, computers, new languages, literature, cultures and much more to our progress, for our betterment. We would have spent resources at our developments than guttering them into the no-doers forums. We would have felt peace and happiness by working and acknowleding our achievements. Our happiness and sadness would have been revolved around our success and achievements. Probably we must have already been talking with our neighbors in our galaxy. We would been far ahead in our race. We made a big mistake by bringing this concept of God to facilitate our race but alas it boomranged on us. Its too late now to remove God from our lives. Each one of us will die chanting his name and praying his fame in the sad defeat of MAN and his kind.
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